As has been lamented here previously, 160,000 young people in the Six Counties live in ‘deprivation’; 124,000 of these live in ‘poverty’, of which, a staggering 44,000 live in ‘severe poverty’.
As Irish language activists prepare to again march for their rights in Belfast this Saturday, the attack on their status as a vibrant community deserving of respect continues.
The Campaign Against the European Union Constitution publicly commenced their efforts to prevent further EU encroachment upon the democratic, social and economic rights of European citizens on Monday (February 4).
Recently, the British government selected, funded and launched the ‘Consultative Group on the Past’, which professes to be “an independent group established to consult on the best way to deal with the legacy of the past in Northern Ireland [sic]”.
Rugadh an Dochtúir George Habash (nó al-Hakim – ‘an Saoi’ – mar a thugtaí air) in al-Lydd na Palaistíne 2ú Lúnasa 1926. Bhí sé ina mhac léinn le leighis nuair a d’fhorghabh na hIosrealaigh an baile agus dhíbir siad a theaghlach agus 10,000 Palaistíneach eile ón áit.
A decision made by the British Government in December 2005 to appoint two members of the Orange Order to the Parades Commission in the Six Counties was improper and unlawful, the British House of Lords appeal court in London has ruled today (Wednesday).