Report - National Demonstration For Palestine 'Stop Arming Israel'

Report - National Demonstration For Palestine 'Stop Arming Israel'

Last Saturday, the 20th of July, Éirígí activists and members of the 1916 Societies joined thousands of others in Dublin City for a march calling for an end to weapons shipments to the Apartheid state of Israel.  The march, which began at the Garden of Remembrance and ended outside Leinster House, was organised by the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC).

During the march, thousands chanted demands for the Twenty-Six County government to impose economic, cultural, sporting and political sanctions against the Apartheid state of Israel.

The march coincided with the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Dunnes Stores workers’ strike, when workers in the Henry Street branch refused to handle any goods that originated from Apartheid South Africa, eventually culminating in a nationwide boycott campaign that put the issue to the fore.

Mary Manning, the worker who first began the strike in 1984, spoke outside Leinster House and urged those in attendance to boycott any Israeli products being sold in Irish shops.  We ALL must refuse to buy goods and services originating from the Apartheid state of Israel, along with goods from those companies who support the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian People.

For our part, we in Éirígí will continue to stand with the Palestinian people as we have done for the last eighteen years. As internationalists we recognise that their struggle against US-backed Israeli aggression is at one with our own struggle against British aggression in this country. Occupation no more!