MI5 Launch Recruitment Drive — Éirígí For A New Republic

MI5 Launch Recruitment Drive

MI5 Launch Recruitment Drive

MI5, the notorious secret service wing of the British government, are taking full advantage of their newly official role in Ireland and have launched a high profile recruitment drive in the Six Counties.

As of this year, MI5 have taken control of intelligence gathering responsibilities relating to Irish republicans and other threats to British ‘national security’ (the security of the British state in Ireland that is). Previously this role fell under the remit of RUC-PSNI Special Branch.

However, the infamous spooks have a longer, unofficial record of interference in Irish affairs.  Along with the Special Branch, Force Research Unit and other elements of Britain’s counter-insurgency apparatus, MI5 have, for decades, controlled and directed the activities of the pro-British death squads in their war against the nationalist community.

MI5 are widely believed to have been centrally involved in some of the worst atrocities of the last four decades including the Dublin-Monaghan bombings of 1974, when 34 civilians were killed in a day of attacks aimed at terrorising the population of the Twenty Six Counties.

Such ‘inconveniences’ were set aside last week as the three main newspapers in the Six Counties, the Belfast Telegraph, Irish News and the News Letter, and BBC ‘Radio Ulster’ carried advertisements appealing for individuals to sign up to MI5.

Among those the spooks are interested in talking to are computer experts and fluent speakers of several languages, including Arabic and Russian.

The prospective employees of one of the most ruthless spying organisations in the world will be based at a newly built complex in the heart of the British army’s Palace Barracks in north Down.

This barracks has a long and infamous history.  Following the introduction of internment without trial in the Six Counties in 1971, dozens of those kidnapped were taken to Palace Barracks where they were tortured by British military intelligence before being sent to Long Kesh prison camp.

Éirígí spokesperson Daithí Mac An Mháistír said the British government was carrying out yet another violation of Irish sovereignty at a time when they are claiming to have no strategic interest in Ireland.

“The official installation of MI5 in the Six Counties is yet another example of the British government preaching peace while preparing to crush any meaningful resistance to their rule in this part of Ireland. The fact that the activities of Irish republicans have been placed under the remit of MI5 is proof positive that the British government remains strategically committed to maintaining its occupation of the Six Counties.”

Daithí continued,

“The British government has no right to recruit for any of its organisations in any part of Ireland and, frankly, if any Irish citizen is inclined towards taking up such a dishonest posting they should do so in Britain. The media outlets concerned should have shown some concern for the relatives of the many victims of MI5’s death squads and refused to carry their adverts.”