Protest The Giveaway Of Ireland's Energy Resources - Green Party Offices, Galway - 1pm, Saturday, July 2nd
Éirígí Gaillimh are organising a protest to highlight and oppose the giveaway of Ireland's vast renewable energy resources. It will take place this Saturday, 2nd July, at 1pm, outside the Green Party office in Woodquay in Galway City.
Speaking from Galway, local Éirígí representative Ian Ó Dálaigh said, "Successive governments in the Twenty-Six Counties - two of which have included the 'Green' Party - have squandered billions of euros of public money buying energy from private corporations.
Indeed, the current government - which consists of FF, FG and the Greens - is set to hand over more than one billion euro of public money to Big Energy over the current budgetary year.
Since our formation in 2006, Éirígí have opposed the giveaway of Ireland’s natural resources. At that time, the focus was on opposing the giveaway of the Corrib Gas Field.
Previous Éirígí Gaillimh protest outside the offices of Fine Gael TD Hildegarde Naughton
That giveaway was nothing short of an act of national economic treason, driven by an ideological commitment to the free-market and self-gain. But the giveaway of our wind energy makes the giveaway of the Corrib Gas Field look like pocket change.
The billions of euro that the successive governments have handed to Big Energy should have been used to bring the Corrib Gas ashore, and to build publicly-owned wind and solar farms and to modernise Ireland’s energy infrastructure.
This is the only way to guarantee energy independence, and to provide secure and affordable energy to every individual and business in Ireland.
So I'm calling on the people of Galway to join our protest outside the Green Party office this Saturday (2nd July) at 1pm. Add your voice to the call for energy justice - bígi linn!”.
Éirígí’s Power To The People campaign is building popular support for the public ownership of Ireland energy resources. Find out more about it here. If you’re ready to join the fight for environmental sustainability, energy justice and a New Republic, join Éirígí here today.