UP Housing - Universal Public Housing - has the potential to permanently end the housing crisis and radically transform Irish society in the process. When other political parties politely ask for more ‘social and affordable’ housing, they are essentially begging for more of the same - for a slight tweak to the current housing system.
Éirígí For A New Republic and our campaign for Universal Public Housing is demanding much more than a slight tweak to a system that is inherently unjust and hopelessly broken. We are demanding a housing revolution.
UP Housing information stall and petition in Dundrum, Dublin.
UP Housing represents a fundamental transformation of the housing landscape through the development of an entirely new type of housing that would provide everyone that is need of a home with a legal right to rent a suitable, affordable and secure home from the state, regardless of their income.
Its introduction would end the scandal of divisive, segregated ‘social housing’ and cut the legs from under exploitative, rack-renting landlords. And it would also end the domination of housing by the other property profiteers - the private land owners, private developers, private bankers and their gombeen political allies.
Boxes of the new six page UP Housing leaflet
For the first time in Irish history, no family would have to live with the constant fear of a rent increase or eviction at the whim of their landlord.
For the first time in Irish history, no child would grow up in an overcrowded, damp or cold home.
For the first time in Irish history, housing would be used to spread wealth across our society, instead of concentrating in the hands of those who are already rich.
For the first time in Irish history, housing would be used to break down class divisions instead of entrenching and deepening them.
Housing Justice Is Possible - UP Housing banner on display in Wexford Town.
If you support Universal Public Housing, why don’t you get involved in the campaign to make it a reality?
Here are a few examples of simple things that you could do:
Distribute some of the new six page UP Housing leaflets to your friends, neighbours, workmates or fellow students.
Organise an information / petition-signing stall in your local area.
Help to organise an UP Housing public meeting in your local area.
Hang an UP Housing banner in your local area.
Share UP Housing articles from this website on your social media accounts.
You don’t have to be a member of Éirígí, or agree with all our other policies, to get involved in the campaign for UP Housing. Housing justice and the fight for UP Housing is greater than any one political party.
If you’re ready to get involved, please email UniversalPublicHousing@gmail.com today and we’ll get back to you as quick as we can.