Shell And Their Cops Are Losing Ground — Éirígí For A New Republic

Shell And Their Cops Are Losing Ground

Shell And Their Cops Are Losing Ground

Major work at Shell’s proposed county Mayo refinery was again halted yesterday (Friday) as the Erris community and Shell to Sea activists from across the country staged another successful day of action.

Despite the best efforts of Gardaí, who were, at times, almost farcically incompetent, the hundreds of natural resources activists who had travelled from every province in the country held their ground.

As a result, all supplies to Shell’s building supplies had to be cancelled for the day to the obvious delight of local people.

The only industrial vehicle that went through Bellanaboy yesterday took over an hour to pass along a 500-yard stretch of road as activists deployed sit-down protest tactics to ensure it didn’t enter the gates of the refinery.


As ever, the Gardaí intervened with fists and boots in an attempt to clear the road, but every time they had laboriously cleared one group of protestors another emerged directly behind.

Among the sit-down protestors were two men with vast amounts of experience in defending the interests of their community. Brendan MacCionnaith from the Garvaghy Road in Portadown and Gerard Rice from the Lower Ormeau Road area of Belfast have played leading roles in opposing sectarian marches through vulnerable nationalist communities in the Six Counties.

They attended yesterday’s day of action in an expression of solidarity with another community that finds itself under siege.  In 1997, a number of Mayo people travelled to the Garvaghy Road to help the nationalist people of Portadown, that gesture of common humanity was yesterday returned.


However, the successful exercise in civil disobedience came at a price. Of the three arrests and one serious injury, two Éirígí members and one supporter were targeted by Gardaí.

Co. Monaghan man and Éirígí supporter Gary Ronaghan was forced by two encroaching groups of Gardaí up against the side of the one lorry that went down the road at Bellanaboy yesterday.  When Gary fell under Garda pressure the articulated vehicle went over his foot, leaving him in excruciating pain.

The Monaghan republican was transported to hospital to be assessed and later released. He said,

“The Garda operation today was an absolute shambles. They were completely unaware as to how to achieve their stated objectives for the day. When they gained control over small groups of protestors, they were pushed in one direction and then another, almost simultaneously, by different Gardaí.  In my case this incompetence could have resulted in very serious injury.”

Several other activists also received minor injuries in Garda assaults which did not require hospital treatment.  Several female protestors were dragged from the road by the hair and one of the most vicious Gardaí at the scene was suspected to the heavily under the influence of alcohol.


In addition, two Éirígí members, Galway based Dominic McGlinchey and Rab Jackson from Belfast, were arrested at Bellanaboy and charged with obstruction.

Another natural resource activist from Cork was also charged with obstruction. After facing a court in the Mayo town of Swinford they were released on bail to appear again on Wednesday (November 14).   
While condemning the Garda actions, Éirígí chairperson Brian Leeson said it was clear they were fighting a losing a battle on behalf of Shell.

“The contempt that the Gardaí displayed today for the citizens at Bellanaboy, coupled with their sheer incompetence, could have resulted in very serious injuries among peaceful protestors.

“As it is, one of our supporters is recovering after being run over by an articulated lorry and two of our members have been arrested and charged for protesting on a public road. However, as on previous occasions, Shell to Sea and the people of Erris have achieved their stated objectives for the day.

“More tax-payers money was wasted in drafting hundreds of Gardaí, including the notorious Public Order Unit, into Bellanaboy – all to protect the profit making of a private company.”

Brian continued, “The situation is clearly unsustainable and the Dublin government must intervene to address the concerns of the local community and take this gas back into state control. Shell and An Garda Síochána have already lost the battle for hearts and minds across the country, it is clear that, despite their brutality, they are now losing the physical battle in Bellanaboy.”


More photographs from the protest will feature on this website during the course of the weekend.