The notion that what has been termed ‘political’ policing in the Six Counties can be reformed out of existence has been dealt a serious blow in recent weeks, by the actions of the RUC/PSNI.
The seasonal upsurge in sectarianism in the occupied Six Counties has once again begun with the annual advent of the benignly labelled ‘marching season’.
Over a dozen members of Éirígí took part in a picket of the Twenty Six County Department of Justice today to demand the repatriation of political prisoner Noel Maguire.
In a blatant attempt at political censorship solicitors acting on behalf of Bord Gáis Éireann (BGE) have issued ‘legal complaint’ in relation to the Éirígí website. The complaint alleges that a mock-up of a BGE invoice
The vindictive nature of the British judicial system was again in evidence today (Monday) as county Tyrone woman Róisín McAliskey had to face court allegations which many believed were decisively dismissed a
The privatisation of yet another tranche of Ireland’s energy reserves drew a step closer this week with the announcement that a Strategic Environmental Assessment (S.E.A.) is to be carried in relation to the Porcupine
Dublin Shell to Sea blockaded Shell HQ today as part of the ongoing campaign to highlight the theft of Irelands natural resources by the multi-national company. Éirígí members were amongst a group of
The real reason for the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq is again rearing its ugly head with the beneficiaries, in the form of the multinational energy companies, preparing to move in for the kill.
As part of its process of development, Éirígí has taken the decision to organise itself as a political party. The motion to this effect was put to today's Árd Fheis and ratified by the membership.