Ó Luain Slams 'Political Cowardice' Of Councillors Over Tallaght Land Deal — Éirígí For A New Republic

Ó Luain Slams 'Political Cowardice' Of Councillors Over Tallaght Land Deal

Ó Luain Slams ‘Political Cowardice’ Of Councillors Over Tallaght Land Deal

Éirígí Tallaght representative Kerron Ó Luain has slammed the ‘political cowardice’ of councillors on South Dublin County Council for the giveaway of public lands at Killinarden, Tallaght. The 16 hectare site is to be sold to a private developer, Arden, for €14 million following a recent vote by councillors. Speaking from Tallaght, Ó Luain said,

“In the midst of a housing crisis, it is sheer insanity to flog off public land to a private developer. The developer will not have the best interests of the people of Killinarden or Tallaght at heart. All they will care about is how they can maximise their profits.

Just 20% of the homes in this development will now be publicly owned - just 125 homes out of a total of 620 homes. All of the remaining homes are going to be sold into private ownership, either at full market price or as ‘affordable’ housing that will ultimately be subsidised by the taxpayer.

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There was an opportunity here, as with all public lands, to build Universal Public Housing on this site - 620 homes that would have been secure, genuinely affordable and open to EVERYONE who is need of a home, regardless of their income - 620 homes that would remain in permanent public ownership for the benefit of not just this generation but many generations to come.

Kerron Ó Luain protesting outside a Vulture Lanldord controlled apartment complex

Kerron Ó Luain protesting outside a Vulture Lanldord controlled apartment complex

Instead this opportunity was squandered by South Dublin County Council, with just two councillors voting against handing this public land to a private developer.

Those who voted in favour of this deal, or abstained on the vote as Sinn Féin did, are all guilty of political cowardice and of failing the people of Tallaght. Instead of learning from the housing mistakes of the past they have chosen to repeat them by feeding another 500 homes to the developer, banker, estate agent and landlord cartel.

UP Housing is the only viable, long-term solution to the chaos of a profit-driven housing system. This is the only system that can permanently end the housing crisis in Tallaght and throughout the country, and radically transform Irish society for the better.”

If you’re ready to join the fight for housing justice and for a New Republic in Tallaght or any other part of Ireland, please get in touch today.

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