Éirígí Supports The Annual March For Choice — Éirígí For A New Republic

Éirígí Supports The Annual March For Choice

Éirígí Supports The Annual March For Choice

The fifth annual March For Choice will take place in Dublin this Saturday [24 Sept 2016], assembling at 1.30pm at the Garden of Remembrance. We in Éirígí will be there and we hope you will be too.

Back in 1983 the Catholic Church and the wider forces of conservatism successfully campaigned for the insertion of an anti-Choice amendment into the Twenty-Six County Constitution.

The 8th amendment and equivalent legislation in the Six Counties have only succeeded in maintaining the hypocritical illusion of an abortion-free Ireland.

So while the forces of conservatism have slept peacefully in holy, abortion-free Ireland, tens of thousands of Irish women have been forced to leave their own country to access safe and legal terminations in Britain and elsewhere.

In the main these are Irish women who had sex with Irish men in Ireland and yet it falls to Britain and other countries to provide safe and legal terminations for the subsequent crisis pregnancies. It’s long past time for this era of hypocrisy to end.

And it’s long past time for the women of Ireland to be treated as equals with full legal control of their own bodies, including their sexual and reproductive organs. It’s time to #Repealthe8th

Ní Saoirse Go Saoirse na mBán!