“Sitting on the sidelines, cribbing and moaning is a lost opportunity. I don't know how people who engage in that don't commit suicide…” - so said Bertie Ahern at the Irish Congress of Trade Union
Details of another two UP Housing public meetings have been announced. The first meeting will take place on February 25th in the Athlone Institute of Technology. And the second meeting will take two days later, on
Éirígí activists in the midlands had a busy weekend as they took inspiration from generations past while fighting for the housing rights of generations present and future.
A decade ago, ‘vultures’ were something to be seen on a trip to the zoo or on a David Attenborough documentary. Today the term ‘vulture’ is more commonly used to describe a new ecosystem
Éirígí For A New Republic will hold its annual Ard Fheis on March 14th in The Teachers Club in Dublin city centre. The theme of Ard Fheis 2020 will be ‘Towards The New Republic’ - a theme which will be
Éirígí For A New Republic activists unfurled a pro-Palestinian banner in the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin yesterday (Saturday, January 18th). The display was one of many actions that will take place
Benoit Lahouze, a French university lecturer and CGT trade union activist, was the keynote speaker at an Éirígí-organised public meeting in Dublin on Saturday (January 18th). The CGT, which is one of France’s
The many victims of the RIC and other British terror organisations were remembered in Dublin, Galway, Westmeath and Wexford over the course of last weekend. The Éirígí organised wreath-laying events were
Éirígí For A New Republic is bringing a French trade unionist to Dublin next weekend to speak about the six-week long nationwide strike in that country. Benoit Lahouze, an activist in the CGT union, will address a public
This weekend will see wreaths laid in Athlone, Dundrum, Galway, Lusk and Wexford to remember the victims of the RIC, Black & Tans, Auxiliaries and other British forces during the revolutionary period. The wreath-