Years of agitating by the residents of the greater Village area of south Belfast finally paid off last Tuesday (February 26) when it was announced that £100 million (€131 million) would be made available for the
Racist Attacks In Portadown
Averting The Dissent Caused by Dead Babies
Support Noel Maguire Transfer Protest
Éirígí Chairperson Brian Leeson On British Royal Visits
Progressive Viewing
Behind Me Are Others More Radical Than I – Fidel Castro
Dozens Attend Anti-Windsor Protest
More than sixty people this afternoon joined Éirígí’s protest opposing Anne Windsor’s visit to Dublin city. The colourful protest in Ballybough, north inner-city Dublin, which started at 3.30pm, lasted for roughly ninety minutes. Throughout this time a high degree of public support could be measured in the regular sound of car
Irish Language Movement Marches Again For Rights Denied
The Irish language community in the Six Counties took to the streets again over the weekend. Thousands demanding that their rights be recognised by the British government and its Stormont administrators attended the rally. It is the third such rally in a year and continues to show exactly how the Irish language and identity in Ireland is under constant and increasing attack.