
Successful BÁC Protest Against Royal Visit

Successful BÁC Protest Against Royal Visit

Despite the appalling weather upwards of 100 people joined Éirígí’s No Royal Visit protest outside of City Hall in Baile Átha Cliath last evening [September 6]. The City Councillors meeting inside the building were left in no doubt as to the mood and determination of those gathered outside, as chants of ‘Can you hear us loud and

Successful ‘No Royal Visits!’ Protest In Dublin

Successful ‘No Royal Visits!’ Protest In Dublin

Upwards of eighty people last night [July 5] joined Éirígí’s protest against a state visit to the Twenty-Six Counties by the British head of state, Elizabeth Windsor. Beginning at 7pm, the protest continued for close to ninety minutes. For much of that time the line of protesters, holding a variety of banners, flags and posters, stretched across the full frontage of Dublin’s City Hall.

For Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan & Human Equality – Stop The Royal Visit!

For Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan & Human Equality – Stop The Royal Visit!

Earlier this month, Brian Cowen confirmed that Fianna Fáil and the Green Party are to invite the head of the British state on a state visit to the Twenty-Six Counties. While those who support a visit by the self-styled ‘British Queen’ will attempt to portray it as a routine visit nothing could be further from the truth. There are many reasons to oppose a visit by the British head of state. Here are just some.