100 Years On - Remembering The Brutality At Ballyseedy

100 Years On - Remembering The Brutality At Ballyseedy

Today (7th March) marks the 100th anniversary of the Ballyseedy Massacre - an outrage perpetrated by Free State counter-revolutionaries against those fighting in defence of the Republic. The massacre was one of the most brutal acts to take place during the counter-revolution, an event that is routinely and less accurately referred to as the Irish Civil War.

On The Shoulders Of Giants . . . 'Speech To The First Council Of African Organisations' - Malcolm X

On The Shoulders Of Giants . . . 'Speech To The First Council Of African Organisations' - Malcolm X

Today, on the 58th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X, and as part of our On the Shoulders of Giants series, we republish the text of Malcolm X’s speech to the first Council of African Organisations. The