Yesterday, Saturday the 13th of January, Éirígí activists marched with the 1916 Societies at the National Demonstration for Palestine in Dublin City Centre. The demonstration was organised by the
It should come as no surprise that the one country in the world brave enough to take on the Apartheid state of Israel in pursuit of justice for the Palestinian people is none other than South Africa
To ring in the first month of 2024, and as part of the Connolly Archive, we begin a serialisation of Connolly’s 1910 work ‘Labour in Irish History’. And for that we start where Connolly started, with the foreword.
Her name was Rachel Peavoy, and on this day in 2010 she became a victim of a profoundly sick society that puts the needs of working-class communities last.
On Sunday the 7th of January, Éirígí For A New Republic activists attended a 1916 Societies organised commemoration for Volunteers Seán Sabhat and Fergal O'Hanlon in Altawark, County Fermanagh.
It has been revealed that around 85% of homes in a housing estate in Dublin, which were originally advertised to be sold to individuals, have instead been snapped up by an unnamed vulture landlord.
On the 2nd of January, Housing Minister for the Twenty-Six Counties, Darragh O’Brien, spoke in favour of improving on tax cuts introduced in the last budget to benefit ‘good landlords’, in an effort to keep them from